In accordance with the by-laws, publishing for the membership:

Article II, §3 Dues currently reads:

Dues shall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year.  The Board of Directors shall establish the rate of dues from time to time.  Anyone paying dues for membership after September 1 will be considered to have paid for membership for the following year.

Proposed amended language:

Article II, §3 Dues

Dues shall be payable at the beginning of each calendar year.  The Board of Directors shall establish the rate of dues from time to time.  Any new member joining the club after September 1 will be considered to have paid for membership for the following year.

In accordance with Article V Amendment of Bylaws, §1 By the Board of Directors, a motion was made at the October 18 Board meeting to amend the bylaws as indicated above by Seth Madore, seconded by Mike Palmer.  A vote on the amendment will be taken at the next Board meeting in November.
